Sunday, November 29, 2020

How Do You Raise Sons and Daughters to Be Anti Feminists?

If we look at the facts, you will see that feminism has caused more

psychological damage than war.  Feminism has made women believe they don¹t
need men.  That mindset has encouraged women to file for divorce.  Divorce
has created broken homes.  Broken homes have emotionally traumatized the
children.  Emotionally traumatized children have

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Are Relationships a Thing of the Past?

For decades, women have shouted 'I don¹t need a man¹.  Instead of the traditional path of a woman finding a compatible husband, she now seeks college degrees and a professional job that make a husband obsolete.  In addition, many young

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Do Quality Men Like Fat Girls?

Do Quality Men Like Fat Girls?

The US has become the nation with the fattest people on the planet.  Here we
claim bigger is better.  People want big SUVs, houses, bank accounts,
backyards and big Macs to name a few.  Yet, when it comes to our bodies, is
bigger better?  While there are many women who claim they want a man who is

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Former Dru Hill Singer Talks About How R&B Made Simps

Former Dru Hill Singer Talks About How R&B Made Simps

Many people love R&B of the 90s.  It was filled with artists that swooned women with some of the most memorable lyrics.  One such group was Dru Hill out of Baltimore, Maryland.  The smooth harmonic voices of Dru Hill gave women the feeling that men would do anything for a lady.  As for men, groups like Dru Hill inspired them to

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Are Men Happier Being Single?

The divorce rate is over 50%.  Of those divorces, women initiate more than 70%.  And less than 5% of alimony is the wife paying the husband.  When you add the fact the courts automatically give the mother custody of children that she uses to manipulate the father, it seems men are

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Here’s Why Should Stop Chasing Women

Is There a Solid Case for Arranged Marriages in the US?

Are Arranged Marriages Better for Society?

Marriage is a long time tradition.  However, in the US, most marriages end in divorce.  And no one knows how to stop the proliferation of failed marriages.  There are even marriage counselors who end up in divorce court.  Since the choice of a spouse is the