Sunday, May 23, 2021

Have Women Spent Too Much Time Attempting to Be Like Men?

Have Women Spent Too Much Time Attempting to Be Like Men?

When you ask women what their role is in a relationship, they seem to be lost for words.  They can tell you what they don’t want.  They can tell you what men are responsible for.  Yet, they are clueless about their role and how to be a valuable asset to a man.  And, for some reason, they believe men should

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Man to Man Conversation: Is It Time for All Men to Take a Red Pill?

Man to Man Conversation: Is It Time for All Men to Take a Red Pill?

This is a live call in show.  I invite men and women to participate in this provocative discussion.  

For decades, men have been on the defense.  Women have accused them of oppression.  Yet, every civilization around the world has been built, maintained and protected exclusively by men.  As men sacrificed their lives to make life

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Why Does the A-Hole Get the Girl While the Nice Guy Finishes Last?

Why Does the A-Hole Get the Girl While the Nice Guy Finishes Last?

On the surface, many women say they want the kind, chivalrous gentleman.  Yet, in the dating world, the arrogant, confident asshole wins the heart of many women.  How is this possible?  Mothers advise their sons to be gentlemen and treat women like princesses.  That advice is backed up with slogans like ‘happy wife, happy life’.  As men innocently march into the world being chivalrous, they find disappointment, heartbreak and friend zones.  

On the other hand, the promiscuous, callous man who women call womanizers has access to a stable of women.  He even spends time with women who are married to the nice guy.  

When you ask women about the discrepancy, the excuses are many.  While it is true men are finally seeing the light, do they really comprehend why women yearn for the “bad boy”?  

Tonight we are going to open the can of worms and reveal the truth that is rarely discussed.  Ladies, join us and help men understand this phenomenon.   

Tonight, Sunday, May 9, from 7:00pm-9:00pm (EST) at Straight Talk with Ted Santos. 

To hear the show live: 

Call to comment or ask questions live at: (323) 642-1387.

Share this post and invite your friends to this thought provoking discussion!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Should Men Stop Impregnating Women?

For the past several decades, many women claim they only needed a man to serve as a sperm bank.  Her belief was she could raise the child alone and be the mother and father.  While there have been many women who claim they don’t need a man, the child does.  When you raise a child in a one parent home, the child is