Sunday, April 25, 2021

Choose Your Poison: Alimony or Palimony?

Choose Your Poison: Alimony or Palimony?

If you’re a man and you’re going to get a divorce, New Hampshire is the best state.  The worst state is California.  If, on the other hand, you have been cohabitating, you may not get off the hook that easily.  You could still be

Friday, April 23, 2021

Is It Healthier for Men to Date Much Younger Women?

Is It Healthier for Men to Date Much Younger Women?

On the surface, it appears older men are with younger women because he can control her.  In fact, he is often accused of robbing the cradle.  The younger woman, on the other hand, is accused of being, well, you know, a gold digger.  Is this always the case?  According to research, the answer