Sunday, March 28, 2021

Would Society Be More Prosperous If Only Married Women Had the Right to Vote?

For the past 100 years, women have had the right to vote.  Has society benefitted?  If you ask women, they will say it has.  However, it will be difficult for them to quantify exactly how their votes have advanced society. There are more single mothers today than there were 100 years ago.  Single mother households create

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Would Women Be Safer If Men Had a 6:00 pm Curfew?

This is not a joke.  In the UK, it was proposed in jest.  At the same time, it was suggested to Parliament by Baroness Jenny Jones.  The whole commotion came about because of the disappearance of Sarah Everard.  Because of her disappearance, authorities warned that women might want to use

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Why Are Men Abandoning So-Called Good Relationships?

Why Are Men Abandoning So-Called Good Relationships?

As a society, we are conditioned to believe women always give their all in relationships.  We are told how loving and nurturing women naturally are.  If this is the case, why are more and more men